The facts about long distance relationships are that you need to put in extra efforts to make it work. No matter what the distance is, the key to sustaining a long distance relationship is to bridge the gap. While it may not be possible to come and visit your partner every weekend if you stay really far, there are several other ways through which you can sustain this relationship. Another fact about long distance relationship is that you must realize that there are some dos and don'ts, for such a relationship. If you want your relationship to sustain the test of time and distance, you must adhere to some of them.
Both the partners must be equally willing to make this relationship work out and only then, it can be successful.
If the relationship is pretty well established before it becomes a long distance one, it can become comparatively easier to maintain. Since the couple has dated for a considerable amount of time, they know each other better and there is a strong bond of trust. The responsibility of sustaining the relationship should not rest with just one person. The couple must alternately visit one another, and help in keeping the relationship alive. Be realistic When you begin a long distance relationship, you must be practical. So, this means that if you happen to encounter any problem, your partner might not be there physically to help you out. Of course, you can talk to him/her for mental support and advice, but at the end of the day you will have to deal with it on your own. Don't take the relationship lightly Since your partner is not around, it does not mean that you can take this relationship lightly or for granted. You must treat your partner fairly and whenever you have to take any decisions regarding the relationship, he/ she must have an equal say in this. So, be sure to talk about it with your partner, if and when required. Life of your own When you are in a long distance relationship, it is very important to have a life of our own. Your partner stays in another city or town, so you have to make sure that you go out with friends and have a good time. Whenever your partner is in town, you will definitely spend that time with them, but before that enjoy with your friends and loved ones. Effective communication Since you will not be able to meet up frequently like the other couples, it is very important to have an effective communication method in place. In this age of technology the internet and telephone is a very good means for being in touch. Timings of communication need to be fixed, especially if you and your partner live in different continents. How to sustain a long distance relationship is entirely up to the couple in question. Of course, there are some harsh facts about long distance relationships, but if you love your partner and put in enough effort, there is no reason that the relationship cannot be successful.
The flavor of distance while in a relationship is something that every other couple in the world had to face even at least once in their life. Making a long distance relationship work is definitely a challenge but never impossible. You just need to keep up that faith and trust in the one you love along with some do's and dont's of long distance relationship. Like every other relationship, a long distance relationship also works on certain pillars of do's and dont's. While for some couple, the long distance affair is a cakewalk, for some it is challenging as hell. However, you need to pull the distance away from the relationship with some simple tips for working a long distance relationship.
Advices for a Long Distance Relationship:
Let us have a look at some of the do's and Dont's of a long distance relationship.
Dos of a Long Distance Relationship:
- Establish an effective communication channel: Establish a channel of communication after all, its communication that keeps the flame of romance and love alive in a relationship. Take help of the instant messengers, emails, VOIP phone, emails, apart from the conventional telephone calls to keep the love burning in the relationship.
- Surprise your partner: An excellent trick for making a long distance relationship work is to planning surprises for your love. Send him/her surprise gifts, plan an impromptu visit to his/here place to keep up the spice in a relationship. Surprises always works wonder in making it work the right way.
- Trust your Partner: A very important thing for a long distance relationship to work is to trust your partner completely. It is always tough to deal with the separation and then keep the trust alive. However, what you need to know is, you can never trust him without loving him/her. Therefore, trust him/her to love him/her and make the relationship work.
- Plan to meet each other: Well, another trick of the trade that is sure to help a long distance relationship work. Meet each other whenever you get a chance, indulge in romanticism and keep the fire burning in love. Plan a surprise visit occasionally to bring back that lost touch of romanticism in your relationship.
Don't's of a Long Distance Relationship: - Take the relationship lightly: Another mistake that couples in a long distance relationship often do is to take their relationship for granted. Avoid dictating and manipulating the relationship in your own way. His or her absence does not give you the right to do so. Treat your partner fairly and consider his /her opinions at times. Shower him/her with all the attention that is deserved.
- Avoid the Suspicion: It is already said that the trust keeps the hope alive in a relationship. Do not let your mind be bitten by the suspicion bug because once bitten the bug will not leave you ever. There is absolutely no room for suspicion in a long distance relationship. Avoid being succumbed to negative thoughts and have an open mind. Keep up the free flowing attitude to make the affair work in a long distance.
- Wait and see attitude: In a long distance relationship there is nothing to wait for and see. You are not in a long distance to experiment your love or judge the strength of your bond. If you want it to work, make it work the right way and put in all your effort, love, and time in it. Most of the long distance relationships succumb to this attitude of waiting and seeing. You want it go ahead with it, you do not wish to take it forward, put a stop to it.
- Settle for a temporary replacement: Never ever make the mistake of settling for a temporary replacement when your boyfriend or girlfriend is not around. This if caught can completely shaken the trust in you and in the relationship. This is like putting your relationship at risk.
Separation is definitely of pain; fight the distance and make your long distance relationship work with simple do's and dont's of a long distance relationship.

It requires two to make a relationship successful and hence, both the partners may take initiatives in working out the problems in a relation to make it successful. Time to time, we all need relationship advices. There is no shame in asking for help when you are facing difficulties in a relation. Relationship advices from experts thus can help you saving your relation.
Following are relationship saving advices that can be followed everyday to make successful relation. Men and women can face different set of problems in a relationship and hence, there are different set of relationship advices available for men and women respectively. However, before applying relationship advices one is required to analyze the problems in relationship. If you are facing problems in analyzing your situation asking for professional help and counseling can also help you in understanding your situation better.
Relationship advices for women
Analyze the problem: Before you react you may take time in analyzing your problem. The problem can either be with you or your partner. If the problem is with you try and change yourself. If the problem is with your partner, try to talk and solve the problem with your partner.
Understand the signs: Try to learn the signs of interest of your partner. If the guy is serious about the relationship he will take more interest in discussing about the future, will introduce your to his family etc. If he is not then he will try to avoid such discussions. It is the woman’s duty to pick up the signs.
Allow space: Men love their independence and hence, a relationship often goes weary when women try to hold on to their men. Allow your men some space. He will appreciate if you don’t want to take him with you everywhere.
Understand your partner: Men aren’t as conversational as women are and hence, they may leave many things unspoken. But silent resentment can often lead to relationship disasters. Spend more time in understanding your partner.
Relationship advices for men
Understand your woman: Woman, unlike man, value emotional intimacy. They demand emotional dependency from their men. Understand the requirement of your woman. Give her time. Plan some activities that you both can enjoy together. This will help her feel secured. Analyze your problem: Before jumping into action or taking some hasty decision, sit and talk with your partner. If necessary you may also try to seek professional help. Relationship experts can help you finding solution for your problem. Make your demands: It would be wrong to guess that your partner will understand all your unspoken needs. Hence, speaking out your desires will help in building a successful relationship. Often in a relationship you’d need to make many adjustments. It is also important to learn to forgive and forget to make a relationship successful. However, there can also be situations when you must learn to let go of things and prepare yourself to turn a new leaf in life.